Saturday, March 30, 2013

Should have gone to voice over

I am sore vexed by an advert on the telly. For spectacles. Sore vexed. It involves a grey-haired bloke sidling up to a mirror and saying:

"It's goodbye Trevor, and..."
He dons his glasses
"It's hello to..."
And that's the bit I can never catch. I'm convinced he says "Tito," which makes sense because he looks like Marshall Tito, but it doesn't seem right even for a spectacles advert.


savannah said...

there's a commercial here for specs where the man tells a male mannequin to "raise his eyes" thinking that he's caught some slacker guy checking out his wife's posterior. the wife then tells him he needs new specs because as she tells him, he's "talking to a dummy, dummy"

*sigh* i've over-explained but anyway, yeah, i get it. xoxoxox

Ms Scarlet said...

Are you sure you're not confusing this advert with an old episode of Stars in Your Eyes.... Tonight Matthew I'm going to be Marshall Tito... and then he puts the glasses on.

Kevin Musgrove said...

Savannah: Back in the 70s we'd have made a TV sitcom series of that and channelled it through the households of Britain at 7pm.

Scarlet: That was Joan Hickson's finest hour.

Gadjo Dilo said...

Josep "Broz" Tito was a very vain fellow, and was seen pozing in spectacles sometimes - they probably had no glass in them.