Sunday, July 24, 2011

Show us yer plums!

I'm almost wondering where Summer went: the Michaelmas daisies are in bloom and already swallows are congregating on telephone lines ready for the off.

My garden is a riot. Quite literally (I suspect foxes, though the goldfinches have a guilty look about themselves). The blackcurrants and boysenberries have performed nicely and the rowan groans with fruit. Yet again the cherry disappoints, which is entirely my fault, the tree's doing its best in the circumstances. My dad's trees have provided enough fruit for every beggar and his dog for miles around and I spent part of yesterday picking for the freezer. It still looks like nobody's bothered. The plums and damsons are the same: my brother's Victoria plum is absolutely weighed down with fruit that's starting to go coppery purple and my dad's damsons are also colouring up nicely. My garden's at a higher elevation (well, I'm just up the road) so mine are usually a week or two later. It's looking like the makings of a bumper crop, so we'll be giving the jam-making kit a bit of a pacing this year.

Bad news: no figs. I think the tree needs a lot of TLC after the past two winters.


Is the Wiz said...

Spicy plum chutney is my favourite, made with ground coriander seed. Rowans make a lovely wine, rather like dry sherry. Happy harvest.

Pat said...

It must be great to be able to eat your garden. All I have are a few fraise de bois which strangle the other plants.

worm said...

our house is surrounded by plum trees, which are groaning under all the fruit - I am also thinking of attempting jam for the first time

Syncopated Eyeball said...

It all sounds lovely, Kevin.

Happy Frog and I said...

I'm in a long queue for the allotments over the road from me so no home grown fruit or veges for me just yet. I do make a mean blackcurrant crumble though...