Thursday, October 07, 2010


There is much in this life that depresses me. The idea that any part of Salford could be re-named "MediaCityUK" provokes a long howl of despair.

They'll be making tripe trendy next.

Sir Jos Fosdyke would be spinning in his grave.


dinahmow said...

"Media CityUK" IS tripe!
Like the fat-headed idea someone had down here for a city called Multifunctionpolis.
Together, we'll howl.

Kevin Musgrove said...

dinahmow: I'd love to think that was a joke!

Gadjo Dilo said...

Tripe is exceptionally trendy here in Transylvania, Kevo. Tripe soup, to be precise - a bit like munching your way through a pair of John Major's boiled underpants, but the pinacle of Romanian cuisine none the less.

Kevin Musgrove said...

There's always someone worse off than yourself, Gadjo!

Madame DeFarge said...

Tripe can never be trendy. It's a fact. And the wv is 'dorks'. That's also a fact.

Kevin Musgrove said...

Madame DeF: Mint.

dinahmow said...

Sadly, the MFP (sometimes written:Emeffpee) was a very real threat. The city will probably still eventuate, but I think(hope) saner heads will choose its name.

BrightenedBoy said...

Did you heart about that town in Kansas that renamed itself "Google" for a day?

Kevin Musgrove said...

dinahmow: they'd only need a couple of weeks' worth of the lower elements' interpretation of "MFP" to learn the error of their ways!

BrightenedBoy: indeed. Mind you, knowing some of the people of Kansas I can't help thinking that strong drink and a fit of the giggles were involved somewhere along the line.