Sunday, April 12, 2009

An address from the Vatican


Ms Scarlet said...

I often genuflect to a bishop...

Madame DeFarge said...

Kevin - you have made me a very happy wumman today. As I lie here amidst the detritus of egg wrappers and lemon drizzle cake, I feel spiritually uplifted. I may even dance the masochism tango, given that I feel so full.

Gadjo Dilo said...

Yep, it's hard to top Tom Lehrer for sheer wit and intelligence.

Kevin Musgrove said...

Scarlet: so long as you polish his mitre afterwards

Tenon Saw: Welcome and thanks!

Mme deF: if we have brought a little sunshine into the sheer hell of excessive chocolate then our joy is complete

Gadjo: this is my fear. I'll end up going back to the knob gags

musicmiss said...

I remember hearing this for the first time when I was sixteen and nearly wetting myself laughing. Brilliant!

Kevin Musgrove said...

a belated hello musicmiss!