Saturday, May 11, 2013

Getting my hands dirty

The weather's warmed up a bit so I decided to have a nosy in the compost bin which has been keeping cats' bottoms warm all winter. It's pretty much nicely-rotted now so I chucked a load over the bare bed by the hazel bush in the corner. I also decide to put a spare big plastic box to use. It was originally given to us by the council to hold old newspapers for collection (only old newspapers, mark you) and has been redundant this past few years since we started having four humongous wheelie bins to manage on their behalf. So I half-filled it with compost from the bin, added a layer of coir compost and then topped it over with a few inches of multi-purpose compost from a bag.

I havered a bit about what to put in there: I've some tomato plants that are still a bit on the small side and not really suited for being by the side of the house; I'll stick with Plan A and get a couple of growbags for the back garden. I sowed a couple of rows of Swiss chard and a row of dwarf broad beans (I like them, The Small Object of desire thinks that beans are Things Of The Devil) and planted in a few scented-leaved pelargoniums at the front to soften the edges a bit and confuse any pests that depend on their sense of smell to find the plants they're going to ravage.


Gadjo Dilo said...

Snap. One of ours cats like to warm its bottom in the pile of leaves that I've put in a big wire mesh cage; it's supposedly making leaf mould, but I think that when I come to dig it out I'm going to find that it's as dry as tinder and useless.

Kevin Musgrove said...

Worry ye not, Gadjo, even dry as tinder it's a great soil conditioner. I've a string bag full of it still hanging on a nail somewhere in the back garden...