Sunday, January 11, 2009

Perchance to dream

My sleep patterns have always been, shall we say, peculiar. These days I seem to have settled into a sort of pattern whereby most week nights I'll get to sleep some time between two and four, to wake around sevenish, not counting the usual lucid moments. Every so often I'll oversleep to half eight. And once every other week I'll get to sleep about midnight. Saturdays are for sleeping. Sundays are for wondering what happened to Saturday. As I say, it's a pattern.

I've never been very good at sleep.

The one remaining puzzle for me is how I manage to turn my duvet round 90° in my sleep every night.


Gadjo Dilo said...

"The one remaining puzzle for me is how I manage to turn my duvet round 90° in my sleep every night" It's the duvet monster, Kev. Same bastard that rucks up the undersheet so one wakes up dribbling on the mattress.

Ms Scarlet said...

I wonder how I manage to turn the mattress round 90° in my sleep.

Unknown said...

I swallowed my duvet last week

Anonymous said...

Last night I dreamed I was eating a giant marshmallow.

When I woke up my pillows had disappeared!

librarylizzie said...

I have drugs...purchased in legit. american pharmacy (CVS just oppo the mothership)...thank christ i work from home cos they knock me out for hours.
Better leave now because I'm completely pissed...which helps with the sleeeping..