Friday, July 08, 2011

Ladies, look away now

The new workplace (oh yes) has room in the gents for more than just the one lavatory bowl and a sink and it's a reminder to me of the etiquette of Office Gents'.

There are those people who will occupy a cubicle, with the door open, as they stand and have a pee. This is because they are Scared Of Somebody Seeing My Willy. Which is bad news at busy lunchtimes for those of us Scared Of Somebody Seeing Our Bottom Because We're Having To Shit In The Urinal.


  1. Good heavens! Thank goodness for the Ladies... where we all take our own air fresheners and stick reams of toilet paper down the lav so that nobody can hear us going about our ablutions.

  2. Pooh at work? heaven forfend.....a quick wee if you get the chance but loitering on the lav?? nooooooooo.

  3. guess i'm not a lady, sugar! *snickering* xoxooxoxo

  4. Not a very nice picture to go to sleep on:) Poo in the urinal? Surely not.

  5. Is it only me who wishes for a cubicle in the bogs which is totally and utterly soundproof?

    ('New workplace'?)

  6. Anonymous1:33 pm


  7. Sorry to have offended any sensibilities!

    [new workplace: oh yes]

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. HA HA HA HA HA!

    New workplace! Jolly good, I hope it's a better environment for the thriving of the Kevin.


Take your socks off and wiggle your toes