Sunday, July 10, 2011

Family homes

The Small Object Of Desire is settled into her new house and it's started to feel like a home (leastways, she's leaving her socks in the dining room). It's a nice Victorian terraced house; discussing it the other day we found we'd both come to the conclusion that it was like an old auntie. Much beloved and slightly disreputable in her way.

I asked what she thought of my house, which I've always seen as a barmy old uncle (perhaps projecting my own personality to the building). "Oh, it's a cheeky nephew," she said. "Its face is a bit dirty at times, but it's one of those nephews that you just have to love. You just roll yours eyes and think: 'bless'."

How nice.


  1. She's a keeper.....

  2. It all sounds very comfy, m'dear.

  3. Once you leave your cycle clips in the fruit bowl you're in.

  4. You two are so cute. And I like to think of myself as that kind of Aunty.

  5. After leaving her socks in the dining room a few times she'll be cutting her toenails on the ottoman, to test you further.


Take your socks off and wiggle your toes