Thursday, July 30, 2009

Making a poor fist of it

I said I'd do this...


  1. Blimey! It sort of leaps forwards and backwards at the same time!
    I shall dig out some posh stuff!

  2. Mmmm, love those swirling "descenders", Kevin - the sign of a passionate nature, I believe.

  3. Was you driving across some rough terrain at the time Kevin?

  4. I rather like the look of it but it isn't as easy to read as print. I put some handwriting up on my blog a while ago. I think yours is tidier.

  5. I'm sure a graphologist could make something of those ys.
    And is the brown fox still at it? He must be exhausted by now.

  6. Scarlet: I can still just about do a tidy Uncial script with a straight pen and India ink but my Gothic's gone the way of the great wardrobe spider.

    Gadjo: no, it's some sort of graphological Tourettes.

    Jimmy: I'll leave you to wonder how bad the writing is when I'm doing notes on the bus!

    Fairy Hedgehog: at least I can read yours (I struggle with mine)

    Kaz: I expect a graphologist would wonder how many of us were writing at the time.

    It's the lazy dog I worry about.

  7. y'all are a true gentleman and scholar, sugar! xoxoxo

  8. lovely loopy writing Kev, much nicer than mine

  9. What a fine distinctive hand you have. All the better for writing out library fines.

  10. Savannah: thank you my dear.

    Lulu: yes, but I can read yours!

    Madame DF: what a cruel thing to say!


Take your socks off and wiggle your toes