Saturday, July 25, 2009

The Black Pig sails for the sunset...

We are at that age, so it should come as no surprise the the sparks of the creative genius that lit up our childhood are fading one by one. It is still something to be mourned and their work celebrated.

And so it is that we now say goodbye to John Ryan, the cartoonist who created Captain Pugwash.

We'll not have an airing of the urban myths about the naughty names this day. Let's just appreciate the splendour of innocence.


  1. Indeed, the passing of yet another era. I don't think I've ever recovered from the demise of Tony Hart.

  2. Another hero sails off into the final sunset...

  3. Yep, I was going to do this post, but I did Oliver Postgate and The clangers, so I thought I'd leave this one to you!

  4. "Master Mate": so close and yet not quite...

  5. One of the greats.

    We shall not see their like again, to coin a phrase :-)

  6. They're dropping like flies, how sad

  7. I love the Pugwash music!


Take your socks off and wiggle your toes