Friday, April 02, 2010

Now where was I?

I was going to parade my excuses for neglecting the blogosphere but bollocks to it. I can't be arsed writing excuses and you can't be arsed reading excuses.

Thank you for all those cards and letters, you folks in Television Landt...


  1. right here, sugar! xoxoxoxo

  2. Anonymous10:19 pm

    NOW I know why I still have nightmares about my childhood: It was Lawrence Welk, on live TV, that I grew up to—and even Stan Freberg can't make the man funny.

    I've mailed you a card by way of a bottle in the Atlantic. I figure you'll get it faster than using the Postal Service.

  3. I'm thinking that's a remix.

  4. Well that was fun - a bit trippy!

  5. Hiya Savannah!

    Charlie: now we have isolated the cause we can address the trauma. It was Junior Showtime over here as did it to me.

    I shall have lookouts posted along the coastline for said bottle, with thanks.

    Pat: it was the great Stan Freberg in cahoots with Billy May, who did so many of the great arrangements for Sinatra.

    Lulu: so long as it was fun. (-:


Take your socks off and wiggle your toes