Sunday, March 07, 2010


You know how everything's fine until you stop moving then the world ploughs into the back of your neck like a ton of bricks? Well that's pretty much how I'm feeling at the moment. Nothing awful or calamitous, just blechh...

I have come to three conclusions:
  • Next time my shoulder starts hurting as I'm typing up some notes I should stop. Halt. Cease. Desist.
  • Me and Ibuprofen aren't a good combination.
  • I need to replace that fire: it looks picturesque enough but an electric fire shouldn't make that noise (it sounds like my neighbour driving his steam roller over the speed humps again) and the living room shouldn't smell like a machine tools foundry.


  1. bless your heart, sugar, but i so know what y'all are talking about today! we need a holiday! xoxoxox

  2. Do you have one of those electric fires that throws light shows on your walls using some kind of grindyturny mechanism?

    I wish I did

  3. Have you tried massage, Kev? A glib answer, I know, but it might help the shoulder and warm you up more satisfactorily than the electric fire.

  4. At least you can listen to Workers' Playtime if your living room smells like a foundry. And probably have Megs Jenkins as the plucky girl working away next to you.

    And I completely understand about the bricks. You could build a house with them. Have a good Sunday.

  5. An electric fire.... oh so many memories of those high flats of the Drum.

  6. But don't stop typing your blog.
    Get your priorities right!

  7. savannah: I suspect you're right! Take care now.

    Lulu: it's one of those faux real-fire stoves that involve you putting a load of coal onto a glass plate and then a coloured filter on a turntabe shines lights through in a flame-like effect. Or else sits there in the dark, grinding miserably.

    Gadjo: entirely sensible answer. Not recently, but I should think about it seriously. I've been using a tens machine for my back but it's not safe to use the machine on these particular muscles.

    Madame deF: it's all so much better in black and white, isn't it? We'll draw a veil over Sunday, but thanks for the kind wishes.

    Jimmy: what??? Not a calor gas heater pumping out a gnat's fart-worth of energy? Eeeh, luxury!

    Kaz: I know which way my bread is buttered!

  8. My bar heater has a grindy-turny thing that makes the light flicker like real fire, except the bulb has gone, so it grinds-and-turns in vain.

    Also, would a wee tot o' the old falling-down water help your shoulder, my good man?

  9. And why shouldn't your living room smell like a foundry? Aren't foundries good enough for you? If not, why not? Expliquez votre position svp.

  10. Scarlett: that sounds right, unfortunately.

    The falling-down water is seductive but I'd best not.

    Inky: I have done my bit of metal-bashing, back in the days when we had to anodise our work in whale oil. That smelt better than this fire does.

  11. Ah Ibuprofen does not pair up well with anyone, I wonder why it still sells

  12. Now Kevin listen carefully. I had shoulder, wrist, arm problems and I know it was caused by computer. My son bought me a jelly to rest my wrist on - great help and I went to the doc about my shoulder. He sent me to the physio who showed me exercises. I didn't want cortisone injections and it has taken months but it is all clear now and you are much younger. Don't despair- with patience and regular exercise it will get better.

  13. Re the ibuprofen, a man I heard on the radio said that 'scientists have discovered' that ibuprofen works on women and paracetamol works on men. So you could try paracetamol.

  14. When I used to get a bad back because of computer work it cleared up through a few months of astanga yoga. Another string to your racket, Kev?

  15. My husband has just pointed out an article in Monday's DT page 27.
    Haven't read it yet but thought of you:)

  16. Tazeen: it gets pushed quite aggressively over here. )-:

    Pat: thanks for both comments, much appreciated. You have to bear in mind that I suffer from Male Pattern Hypochondria. (-:

    zmkc: hello and welcome! I don't like paracetamol but you're right, it's the sensible option.

    Gareth: and thanks to you too, sir.

  17. I have the typing shoulder too!
    I sometimes stop and kind of roll it to lossen it up. My neck always hurts these days.

  18. Scarlet: are you still doing the typing in the cold room or have you sorted the heating now?


Take your socks off and wiggle your toes