Wednesday, March 10, 2010

I've got a little list...

Just checking to make sure they're there:
  • People who insist on having window seats who then don't look out of the window.
  • Newspaper proprietors who are more than happy to tell their readers that Britain Is Broken and the country is broke, safe in their non-domiciled tax status.
  • People who put their feet on the seats in trains.
  • Those special people who don't have a ticket for the journey they've just made and waste quarter of an hour telling the ticket inspectors that they can't possibly queue up to buy one because they need to meet a friend elsewhere in the station.
  • People too busy on their mobile 'phone to tell the coffee stall girl what they actually want to order and too pig ignorant to get out of the sodding way so that the rest of us might be served.
  • Anyone who says: "If they don't like the laws of this country they should be sent back where they came from," and spend the rest of the day complaining about having to pay their taxes, conform to Road Traffic Acts and not be able to string up the tabloid demon of the day.
  • People who stand in a long queue to get out of the station and wait until they get to the ticket inspector before they start rummaging in their bag to find their travel card.
  • People too busy on their mobile 'phone to tell the bus driver either what fare they want to pay or which stop they want to get off at.

I think I'm mellowing with age.


  1. T ravelling on bus plane or train seems to have lost its magic.

  2. People who occupy two seats, saying that their companion will be along very shortly, but then, surprise surprise, the latter doesn't show up, leaving the former with two seats to his/herself.

  3. The one in particular that you've got there that drives me mad is the person who gets to the front of the queue and spends ages rummaging around for the change/ticket/card they need. Did they not realise whilst they were spending all those minutes in the queue that they'd need what they were going to need and so it would be best to locate it first? Aaargh!

  4. And yet they don't hand out ASBOs for any of these. For shame!

  5. You think you're hard done by - try travelling on Brussels public transport. People here don't have the slightest idea of subway etiquette. They push onto the train before anyone can get off, stand on both sides on the escalator, won't get off the train to let other passengers off thereby blocking the doors, and then swear at you (sometimes in English) if you push them out of the way, sit on the aisle seat so you have to climb over them to get to the free seat, AND put their feet on the seats. But it's free so mustn't grumble.

  6. I'm with Gaw... last minute rummagers annoy me.
    But to be honest queues per se, annoy me. I am also mellowing.

  7. ...I'm often with Gaw. Does he not notice me stalking him?

  8. Scarlet: Being stalked by you would be a very high form of flattery. It would feel like showing off to notice it!

  9. A highly perceptive list, made my a man with a finely tuned sense of propriety.

  10. This is why I send the chauffeur to queue for me.

  11. All those plus the blokes who sit with their knees spread wide into my sitting area - presumably because they've got such enormous equipment it needs the airing.

  12. Yes Lulu, why do they do that? If they are so intent on taking up two seats with all their equipment then they should pay double.
    Except for Gaw, I imagine that he is a gentleman.

  13. Pat: it's true, there's little joy in it these days.

    Gadjo: check...

    Gareth: you take the words out of my mouth

    fairyhedgehog: our local police aren't good with ASBOs

    Daphne: that's precisely how our pensioners use their free bus passes

    Scarlet: how wrong can a lad be, I had you down as being up for a last-minute rummage.

    (Be gentle with him!)

    Gareth: shameless!

    Madame DeF: ah yes, that commute...

    Inky: we can't all afford tandems

    Lulu: oh yes. Anthropologically it's quite an aggressive posture.

    (It's not the size of the equipment, it's the zoology populating its surface.)

    Scarlet: given how much they'll spend on their trophy mongrels I'm sure they'd happily pay for "I'm very big downstairs" tickets.

    Gareth: keep your hand on your holiday money!

  14. whatever happened to civility, sugar? xoxox

  15. I can't do it any more, Savannah (-:

  16. That's a very short list indeed. You should be proud of yourself for being so easy going...

  17. Nota Bene: I like to imagine I'm very easy-going.


Take your socks off and wiggle your toes