Friday, February 12, 2010

Winter Olympics

There seems to have been a lot of young women wearing ski pants in Manchester this week.

This is by way of being an observation, not a complaint.


  1. Well - at least we have some snow.

  2. That makes dress sense - for a change.

  3. You are a keen-eyed observer of life as always. It's good to know that you remain watchful over the denizens of that fair metropolis.

  4. Are "ski pants" the American version of ski trousers, or are they for counteracting incontinence when negotiating a particularly scary couloir?

  5. It's sometimes difficult now to know what you've just witnessed. The other day my wife had to explain to me that the girl we'd just passed was wearing denim leggings - they were low-slung but skin tight. No, I wouldn't have been able to imagine it either. But I have to believe my own eyes.

  6. Gadjo: they taper downwards - often from an enormous bottom sadly.

  7. I think we have established a crying need for an I-Spy book on this subject...

  8. Did you know that denim leggings are called 'jeggings'?
    Don't say I never tell you anything.

  9. Kaz: so that's what they were on about the other day...


Take your socks off and wiggle your toes