Thursday, February 04, 2010


This is too sweet for words: two masters at work.


  1. absolutely too delightful for words, sugarpie! xoxoxo

  2. I always wanted to yodel. Thanks for the smiles! Btw, what is terpsichory?

  3. That was sweet. As a child I didn't like it when Ollie hit Stan and he did it a lot.
    I've got a blind spot about Charlot too. I admire him but don't find him funny.

  4. Brokeback Mountain it isn't!

  5. Ah, I recently got a load of L & H films - including this one - for me and Mrs D. to watch and was amazed at the sheer slowness of their comedy. It works though :-)

  6. savannah: glad you liked it

    willow: I'm sure they'll let you if you ask them. Terpsichory = dancing.

    Pat: there was a lot of child-like fighting between them, and it went both ways.

    I'm with you on Charlot.

    Lulu: it's quite fey in its way, though.

    Gadjo: precisely so. Even the mayhem scenes unfold like slow poetry.

  7. Major Tom D'Omo3:36 am

    Thank you, Kev. That took me back to a very nice time and place. As John Cleese said, "I delight in the manifestation of the terpsichorean muse"

  8. Much what M. DeFarge and I do every weekend, as you can imagine.

  9. Madame DeF: it must be a bit like a busman's holiday after the usual working week.

  10. Tom: sorry old boy, missed your comment. Glad you liked it.


Take your socks off and wiggle your toes