Friday, January 29, 2010

I'm so easily led astray

I didn't get any further than the picture of Olivia Newton-John in spray-on leggings but I'm told Scarlet-Blue tagged me on a meme "to share three classic movie moments that have, in some shape or form, made me buy things/do things/think things that perhaps I shouldn't have."

I'm not proposing to open a debate about whether or not I should have been having *those* thoughts about Fay Wray and Louise Brooks and Jacqueline Bissett in a wet t-shirt. Though I do feel kind of guilty about fancying Anita Harris in "Carry on Doctor"...

Bogie in Casablanca Being a failed romantic at heart I always fancied getting myself a white jacket so that I could do that brooding, mysterious "Casablanca" look. I was streets ahead already, after all. Well, I could do brooding and utterly baffling, which is pretty close.

The time came when I could go for it. I bought myself a white jacket. It looked great on the hanger. It looked great when I put the dark grey hankie in the top pocket. Honest. It did. I don't know quite what went wrong when I put it on.

We'll draw a veil over the white flannel trousers. If it worked for Basil Radford... Well, it didn't for either of us really.

I hate umbrellas. I loathe and detest umbrellas. I once bought an umbrella. Because...

And if you imagine I'm going to explain this one you're off your head...

I should be nominating a few people to follow this meme. Consider yourself tagged if you fancy a crack at it.


  1. With you all the way on umbrellas. So did you buy a plywood chair after seeing Marlene Dietrich in Blue Angel??

  2. No Gadj, I reckon it was the hat...?
    I'm right aren't I?

  3. white jackets are great as long as you don't need to eat anything.

    And Marlene well...

  4. I just picked up a set five Marlene Dietrich movies at the library.

  5. Gadjo: umbrellas are buggers, aren't they?

    Scarly: not saying. (-:

    Lulu: this is another truth.

    Willow: ooh.. what did you get?

  6. I see you more as George Sanders in The Picture of Dorian Gray. Quite why I'm not sure. Me, I'd be a munchkin in the Wizard of Oz. But I'd love to be Margaret Lockwood in the Wicked Lady

  7. Madame deF: such flattery! (the postal order's in the mail)

  8. I'm a stranger here myself. Why have I never been here before?
    Tell me you didn't end up in black silk stockings?
    And so Marlene was the original sitter on a chair backwards - not Christine Keeler.

  9. Anonymous6:42 am

    That was definitely the wrong kind of a white jacket, Kevin. But you know it, of course.


Take your socks off and wiggle your toes