Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Career choices

I'm at that funny age now. That one where a lad gets to review whatever it is he's made of his life. Reluctantly I have to admit that my international sex kitten days are probably behind me. The best I can hope for, then, is to become A National Treasure.

I expect I'll have to buy some cardigans.


  1. Just don't buy any tank tops. That's a sure sign that your best days are behind you.

  2. But Kevin - male cardigans are currently the height of fashion.
    Choose an attractive colour and you'll be National sex god.

  3. Definitely the way to go.

    You also become debonair. That's quite a good look, and panama hats really aren't expensive. Much fun to be had trying them on...

    I have a lady friend in her VERY early sixties who has migrated to become a National Treasure herself. Lashings of family history and Being Helpful to Others. She has taken to wearing pyjamas out of doors. I'm not sure you're quite ready for that, but it gives us all something to look forward to.

  4. i think y'all are divine, sugar! don't give it a thought! xoxox

  5. Or how about being a Kitten Treasure - the kind of lovable fluffy thing that kittens like to play with (think about it...).

  6. You will always be my little sex kitten, whatever you think.

  7. Long Johns, too.

    Make sure your cardigans are beige.

  8. fh: I was, I'm sure. Unless it was some strange, exotic dream...

    Mme DF: I'd like to imagine that nobody's selling tank tops any more.

    Kaz: I'm not sure I'd cope. Do you have to keep 'something for the weekend sir?' in the pockets with your Werthers?

    Have you not seen the Panama, Chris? I draw the line at jimjams out of doors. Unless you're Jeanette Scott.

    Ah, that's nice Savannah! It must be my accent. (-;

    Inky: that's a brilliant idea. I'm sure I could do louche.

    Gadjo: they like to laugh

    Bless you Scarly, the cheque's in the post

    Miss Scarlett: red woollen ones? With big yellow buttons on the escape hatch?

    I have bought a beige cardigan. It gives me an air of testosterone and wine gums.

  9. n.b. Nearly forgot. The pockets of your beige cardigan (it DOES have pockets, doesn't it?) should always be filled with Werther's Original.

  10. one pocket filled with wine gums; one accomodating a toy ginger kitten in lieu of an ounce of shag and a briar with stained mouthpiece.

  11. Then I must recommend a breast pocket for Werther's Original. They're like oxygen to a national institution. You cannot go without.


Take your socks off and wiggle your toes