Thursday, April 02, 2009


We appear to be having a vogue for candid photography this week.

I dearly wish I could find a recording of this online for you. The great man's delivery is possibly best described as being like a delirious foghorn with a sore throat.

Only Billy Bennett could claim that Gladys Cooper was Crippen's niece!


  1. OMG!!! Gladys Cooper was in Now Voyager... I think I might morph... and she was in Rebecca...
    Have you been on the stage Kev?

  2. I suffer from incurable stage fright and an inability to take direction or learn lines, Scarls.

  3. No, I'm not good at taking directions; never could tell my left from my right.

  4. Oh Kev, apply to Dr Maroon immediately for the lyrics he has been singing all week: Who Is This Geezer Hitler? it suits his mood.

  5. I want to grow a moustache like that.

  6. Excellent. My late grandfather used to have recordings of this kind of stuff; Why Am I Always the Bridesmaid particularly sticks in the mind.

  7. I'd never heard of this chap, but he appeals to me. I looked him up on Wikipedia and he wasn't quite what I was expecting. I love the idea of 'almost a gentleman'. Like many I know.

  8. Mrs. P.: He's in a jolly mood. At some stage we shall be having a party with dried egg, snoek and all the Anne Shelton you could shake a stick at.

    Ms. Parrish: you're young yet, there's still time (-:

    Gadjo: Lily Wallace! Splendid stuff. I've always loved that dance. (And I do have recordings of that stuff)(And I know I'm not on my own as Chris the Webrarian may attest when he comes back from being communitaire)

    Mme. dF: glad to be of service!

  9. the things i've learned from y'all, sugar! ;) xoxox

  10. We live to serve, Savannah


Take your socks off and wiggle your toes