Thursday, November 20, 2008


There are adverts all over Manchester for a "New Concept Store" in the Arndale. I am very excited by this.

"Hello, I'd like to buy a concept, please."

"Certainly, sir, what would you want?"

"I'd like something that pulled together metaphysical poetry, the city state model of Renaissance Italy and Superstring Theory."

"Of course, sir. With or without the revolt of Pisa and an overview of the Special Theory of Relativity?"

It turned out to be a clothes shop.


  1. So that's what an Idea Store is as well? Just a bit of window-dressing?

  2. Anonymous10:44 pm

    Anyone who can take the piss so eloquently is all right in my book.

    You, sir, are all right.

  3. Webrarian: Of course, I couldn't possibly comment. (-:

    Papercuts: take the piss? me? ooh no...

  4. There's 20% off all concepts this Thursday in Debenhams

  5. I thought Debenhams was a concept, and a jolly good value one at that.

  6. Are they selling traditional kilts and dinner jackets alongside fishing tackle? I only ask because this is my new concept and I don't want anyone to nick it...

  7. Kevin, I was laid low in the Caversham Road this week by Kingdom of Leather's Great Seating Event. I just stood there and cried aloud to the Gods: why? If I hadn't already been holding a bottle of cut-price pretend cognac, and preparing to pour it undiluted down my raw throat, then I simply can't imagine what might've happened. Truly, I can't.
    (Word vert. menesia. Fabulosa! Menesia. I have this condition in its acute form).


Take your socks off and wiggle your toes